Before Carpet Installation
Installing your new carpet will go as smooth as possible by completing thoughtful steps ahead of time! Remove all furniture and furnishings from your floors and walls, as well from the closets. It’s also wise to remove all doors where your new carpet is going since it may raise the flooring height and prevent full range of motion. Your subfloor will need to be completely bare and level before the carpet goes down, so take time to remove old flooring and repair any cracks or imperfections in the subfloor. Set the temperature of the installation area to 68 degrees Fahrenheit for 48 hours before installation and let the new carpet rolls acclimate for at least 24 hours in advance.

During Carpet Installation
When the day comes for your new carpet, plan to be home so that you can answer questions for your installation crew. If you haven’t read through your new carpet's warranty, make sure to do so and have a good understanding to prevent voiding it. Now is also the time to ask your installers any questions you may have regarding your new carpet! Keep all children and pets away from the rooms receiving new carpet and designate an area for your crew to keep all of the tools they will be using during the process. Make sure to create proper lighting if needed and easy access to electrical outlets for your installers to use.

After Carpet Installation
Establish proper ventilation by opening windows and running fans to remove the new carpet smell after installation. Once your carpet is down, don’t be surprised if you see shading based on the direction of the carpet pile and the light that is reflected. You may also observe shedding of fluff as the room is used, and sprouting of small fiber tufts that you can easily trim with scissors. If your carpet is a heavier style, you may see crushing that is typically resolved in the first two months after installation. You may need to shave down the bottom of your doors before reinstalling them to ensure full range of motion.